August 16, 2008

Saturday! Glorious, wonderful Saturday! Can I say that I am not missing this place at all? :o) My job is okay...don't get me wrong...but man oh I just love the weekend.. or WHAT!!!!!
It's a sprawling building... I walk from one end of it to the other end of it many times during the day... so being at home, here in this little house, is just wonderful.

Anyway, today I got my blood work done, did grocery shopping, and laundry....and got my car inspected. Poor baby is going to have to have some work done to get through the test.. but that's okay... next Saturday that'll happen. Unfortunately, I'll have to have the car there early in the morning, so the lie in will not be happening..but there's always the luxury of an afternoon nap on a day off, huh?
I finished reading The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood today... fabulous book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. In some ways I could relate to, I haven't had any of my children die..but ... well, it's a really long story, which will wait till another day.....

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